Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The “$10K Challenge” heads up!

Hey I'm literally walking out the door in a sec,so I need to make this quick...First of all - about the '$10K Challenge' event:As of right now there are over 12,063 peoplethat registered to attend the special event I'mdoing this Thursday, September 5th...I know that some of these folks registered butwill never do anything or

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

9,236 Already Registered For This Free Training!… You Coming?

A few days ago, I invited you to a special'$10K Challenge' Vick and I are launching this Thursday...If you've already registered, great.If you missed that email, I want to make sure thatyou saw this.... It's an invite-only kind of thing and as my subscriberand follower, you're invited to this special

There’s More To Recycling Than Paper… Electronics Recycling!

Given the number of devices we have in our homes and on our persons these days, electronics recycling is more important than ever! Recycling Christmas cards is a start, but there is much more we can do! Recycling is important as it reduces the strain on our natural resources, helps reduce pollution and reduces what goes into landfills. Electronics recycling helps [ ]

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cheap Designer Mens Cologne

Looking for cheap designer cologne for men? Here's a great source for designer mens cologne – Your online source for discount mens colognes and fragrances.

Whether you’re looking for a Christmas gift, anniversary gift, birthday gift or a gift for yourself, a good designer men’s cologne is a great choice. We spend a ton of money on clothes and accessories, as well as general grooming, like shaving and hair cuts, but too often men forget about maintaining a pleasant scent.

Is Smelling Good Really Important?

If you have a boyfriend or husband who stinks, you already know the answer! If you’re here for you, then I probably don’t need to tell you either. Either you realize how a nice fragrance can help you meet women, or you know how poor body odor can push women away! I mean honestly, who wants to be with a man that smells bad? A man who has an odor that literally burns your nose!?

What Makes Designer Mens Cologne a Great Gift?

Designer colognes are great inexpensive gifts for men! I can probably guess what you’re thinking, “there are some extremely expensive brands of cologne out”. You’re correct, but we have assembled a list of what we consider to be the cheapest sources for men’s cologne. Cologne makes a great gift, not only because the recipient will feel better about themselves and enjoy the scent, but you do also! Obviously, the fragrance you select will be one that you enjoy too, so this is a win-win present!

So Which Are the Best Sources for Discount Men’s Cologne?

It's my own personal opinion, but the retailers on this page have the greatest prices for just about every brand of mens cologne or mens fragrances, you might like. Feel free to visit each of them, as one could have a better deal on one specific brand than the other, however the best price (the cheapest price) will most likely be found on this page! When checking designer cologne prices on these vendor sites, be sure you take any delivery fees into consideration. However, with the next holiday fast approaching, you might not even have to pay for delivery, unless of course you’ve waited until the very last minute and need expedited delivery!